2024 Library Survey

Did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?

Did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?

If you haven't visited the Library in the past year, please tell us why.

Select all that apply.

If you have visited the Library in the past year, what are the main reasons you visit the Library?

Select all that apply.

How often did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?

How often did you visit Middlebury Public Library in the past year?

Which of the following age groups are represented in your household?

Select all that apply.

Which areas of the Library's physical collection would you like to see enhanced?

Which areas of the Library's physical collection would you like to see enhanced?

Which children's programming topics would you like more of at the Library?

Select all that apply.

Which teen programming topics would you like more of at the Library?

Select all that apply.

Which adult programming topics would you like more of at the Library?

Select all that apply.

Which areas of the Library's website, digital materials, and online content would you like to see enhanced?

Select all that apply.

Which technology would you like to see enhanced at the Library?

Select all that apply.

One way Middlebury Public Library can serve me and my family is:

One way Middlebury Public Library has positively affected me and my family is:

What is your zip code?

Where or how would you like to get information about the Library?

Select all that apply.

If you would like to receive our e-newsletter to find out more about the latest news and programs happening at the Library, please share your email address.

How did you find out about this survey?

How did you find out about this survey?